Yes, I was an inconstant art journaler; days or even weeks might pass without a new entry in my
officially designated art journal. However, an idea from
Year of the Spark plus a recent online class have changed my ways :-)
The first influence I attribute to an art journal page
layout that
Carla Sonheim shared in a Year of the Spark lesson.
The page looks like this:
Draw it new every day. |
Creating the boxes and printing a set group of words is a
nice ritual to get my hand moving. I
like the categories for the boxes – I find them to be very useful. Also, the sketchbook is a plain wire bound one
(so it isn’t precious in any way) and it is a larger format – a Strathmore 400
Series 9” X 12”.
The second influence is from an online class I recently
completed – “
Making Art a Practice” – which was taught by
Cat Bennett.
Cat emphasized enjoying the creative process
and doing it daily.
She generally sticks
to simple tools and media e.g. a few brushes, colored pencil, opaque
watercolor, and NeoColor II.
approach is relaxing and playful
These are some randomly chosen pages from my art journal – specifically of the
Draw and Misc boxes:
Remy in ink. |
Colored pencil, ink. |
Pitt brush pens, ink |
pens, ink, Pigma Micron pen, randomly created “stamps” |
The content is pretty much what I see around me or doodle or imagine - probably why my red coffee mug appears so often :-)
The "10 Ideas" box is great for capturing thoughts or projects which come to mind first thing in the morning. I like capturing all of it in one place.